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  1. Can I say I like to see a lady wearing a satin blouse while driving and smoking a cigar and parking her car on a stone or snow hearing the crunching noises I hope there are women out there who like the sound of stones and snow crunching a car .

  2. hello,

    i have to tell you, i am a long fan of your blog.
    i know you wanted more then one time, close this blog. please carry on. i pass often by to inspire myself here.
    i know, today the time for silk blouses and nightweasr is over.
    but there are pictures and movies around.

    thank you for your blog.

  3. hello go to lynn smith facebook page she a Weekend HLN newsperson she wore a satin dress today

  4. My suggestion would be an email notification option to stay updated on posts.

  5. love the pictures of marcia cross in satin blouses, just got some from Birch place in jade green and deep plum myself. Thank You

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. Hello,

    Could you please add my blog link to yours?

    My Blog: Satin Lover

    Thank you.

  8. Hi Ladies in Satin!
    Looks like we have similar tastes in feminine satin allure. We use AI to create the images. It allows you to create the images you want and produces better quality images.
    Have a look at and tell us what you think!

  9. Not sure if you did these blogs but if it was you, could you bring back the ladies in waistcoats blog?
